
This site is designed, updated and maintained by TCP (tcp.hp.gov.in). All content on this site is the copyright of TCP

The information contained in this Web site is intended, solely to provide general information for the personal use of the reader, who accepts full responsibility for its use.TCP( tcp.hp.gov.in) does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any information, including content or advertisements (collectively, the "materials") contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this web site, or the quality of any products, information or other materials displayed, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in or in connection with the service.

We accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this site is provided "as is," with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Nothing herein shall to any extent substitute for the independent investigations and the sound technical and business judgment of the reader.

In no event shall TCP be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to the service, the materials and the products. Users of this site must hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any materials shall be at their sole risk.

The information presented here at 9apps has been compiled from publicly aired and published sources. TCP respects these sources and is in no way trying to infringe on the respective copyrights or businesses of these entities.

TCP reserves the right, in their sole discretion and without any obligation, to make improvements to, or correct any error or omissions in any portion of the service or the materials. TCP reserves the right to change the information published on this site at any point of time without further notification.

© 2025-26, Department of Town & Country Planning, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh | Powered By: Csm Technologies

Last Updated On : 06-Mar-2025, 03:57 PM